What's better than sitting on your sofa and reading a good book and every now and then letting your mind wander into thoughts...looking up at your favorite work of art...Or walking around the house and feeling the pleasure of being surrounded and pampered by signs and colours which, creating the right harmony with the surrounding environment, make you appreciate and live with good taste in peace with your loved ones the beauty of your home...Or return after a trip and feel the warmth of experienced and familiar things that give you private and personal atmospheres...

All this happens when you think carefully about the works to put in your home. Paintings or sculptures that represent you, make you feel good and that often accompany you for many years. By carefully purchasing works of art you give yourself unique dreams and atmospheres that balance harmony and beauty every day of your life.

However, we are often undecided, or we like to change, or we prefer to experiment with new environments, arrangements and colors. This is why the possibility of having art for rent should be taken into consideration!

Ever thought of renting a work of art for corporate or domestic spaces, or maybe even just for a special event? why not conceive the possession of works of art on a temporary basis, without the anxiety of selling / buying at the right time and in the right place?

Do you want to impress your guests for a great meeting? Or you want to pamper your customers with a properly designed location ...

Thanks to this offer, anyone has the possibility of continuously varying the works inside homes or offices, without having to worry about the long purchase and sale processes that characterize the art market.

You can choose directly from the site or we come to you and together we think of the best installation for your special occasion.

It is a kind of "try before buy", because after all the works must dialogue with the daily life of those who love art. At the end of the rental you can decide whether to continue with the rental, change with other works, return the work or buy it. In this case the price will include the rentals already made.

Rental figures on average are around 5-10% of the value of the work: it depends on the prices, and of course the duration of the rental. The price includes insurance, transport and installation, and in some sites you earn credits at each rental, expendable in the purchase of works.